The top 5 benefits of working directly with professional creatives

Attention: Small Business Owners. Discover the top 5 benefits of working directly with professional creatives – which will help you tackle your branding and marketing to-do list.

Building your brand’s identity or undertaking marketing can be a bit daunting when faced with the decision on what to do yourself and who to hire to undertake other aspects, such as the copywriting or design, for your small business.

It can be difficult for small business owners to choose whether to work with individual professional creatives or to throw your lot in with an agency who apparently offer everything under one roof. In today’s collaborative blog post between Forelocks and Fleece and Lauren Bird Design, we discuss the top 5 benefits of working directly with professional creatives to offer you some guidance when choosing the best suited creatives for your small business’s branding and marketing projects.

  1. We work with YOU, not for the guy in the office above. When you engage a large agency you usually deal with a project or account manager who farms out your work to in-house staff or even other freelance contractors. Those people report to that manager, not you, so it is just another day in the office for them. For us, working with clients is about cultivating relationships and ensuring you get the best results. There are no ‘that will do’ jobs.

  2. We focus on your project from start to finish. From the creative brief, concept creation, any revisions and to the final handover. We concentrate on your project from start to finish to ensure everything you require is completed on time and to the highest standard. There are no short cuts or passing the buck to someone at the next desk. Exceeding expectations is how we get our kicks.

  3. Communication is quicker and easier. When you work directly with a copywriter or designer you speak with us to ask questions or receive updates on your project. Our specialist skill sets mean you will receive educated answers and practical solutions. When dealing with large agencies, you have to wait for questions to be passed onto the creative minions then replies to be relayed to the manager then you to receive answers. Or you have to jump through hoops to just talk to someone or must visit an office in the city for project updates. With us, just flick us an email or pick up the phone (we always wear pants during video conferences) and we can handle your queries.

  4. We are directly accountable for our work. Accountability is a huge factor in the creative world. Our work is our reputation, which acts as an additional incentive to ensure your project is completed in a timely manner and to a high standard. Sometimes things don’t go as planned, but that’s when quick and easy communication comes in and we discuss possible outcomes with you instead of pretending there isn’t an iceberg ahead.

  5. Hiring a professional creative is a savvy investment as it saves you money and time. Our project fees are usually lower than agencies and we can adjust the scope of the project to fit your budget. If an agency is contracting work to other freelancers on your behalf, then they add a hefty fee on top of the freelancer’s fee. Therefore, working directly with professional creatives means you can save money for future projects or invest it into other parts of your small business. We also offer fast turnarounds as we don’t need a zillion people to sign off on the project or wait on a project or account manager to pass the final version onto you. Much like your customers, we prefer complimentary Express Post over Standard Shipping as we want things delivered ASAP.

From a copywriting and design perspective, working directly with you means we don’t have to rely on second hand information for the project. We can discuss what you require and what options are available to achieve the project’s objective within your budget. Being able to speak with you directly also allows us to ask questions that you may not have considered, which means your branding or marketing project’s full potential can be unearthed.

Basically, working with professional creatives removes the complications and confusion from the project. You benefit from having someone who specialises in a particular skill set handling the project from A to Z and they want what is best for your small business.

Professional creatives will accomplish the thing you hate the most: Produce the creative work you need to sell your business and communicate effectively with your customers. If you are constantly leaving your marketing or branding activities on the to-do list for some day in the distant future, then we are the people who can help you get started.

For a limited time, Forelocks and Fleece and Lauren Bird Design are offering a 25% discount on copy and design packages for new campaign landing pages or upgrades to your website’s home page.

Contact Forelocks and Fleece or Lauren Bird Design to find out more.

Got a question about working with a copywriter or designer? Get in touch with us via the socials or our websites. Stay tuned for the next collaborative blog post in this series. 😉


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