Graphic Designer:
I’m Lauren Bird, a specialist graphic and digital designer with experience across multi-faceted marketing campaigns, print design, digital design and branding redevelopment.
So, what does that mean exactly?
I’ve been making sh!t look pretty since low-rise jeans were in fashion (the first time around).
From guiding small business owners through branding their money-makers to helping some of Australia’s big-name brands avoid design and marketing faux-pas, it has been a hell of a ride. Trends come and go, but good ol’ fashioned design can help your brand remain timeless.
I approach every design opportunity like I would meeting new people: curious about the potential that with the right nudge could unlock a remarkable – and highly memorable – brand. There’s no point ditching your core values and brand identity to follow trends. You know deep down that you want to be the one people turn to when in need of certain projects or services.

Powerful, cohesive campaign graphics can have a long-lasting impact, so you want yours to leave a positive impression on the world. After years of actively listening to clients’ needs, I’ve learned to decipher what businesses actually want (it’s a skill, trust me) and how to transpose this vision into something that will help you connect with your target audience. Our first chat might feel like a bit of a Q&A, but I promise it will help us uncover exactly what design goodies your brand needs to help flourish.
about one (of many) design opportunities that helped me become the designer I am today.
Once upon a time, many hairstyles ago, I worked in the head office of a BIG Australian company. This company owned multiple popular brands that consumers would instantly recognise if they walked into the shopping centre or saw an online ad (which was likely to have been created by me). Several years after departing for an adventure across the country, the same company reached out to see if I could work my design magic again to add value to their latest campaigns following a rough, germ-infested couple of years (you know the era I’m talking about). So, I once again set about devising how to best present their products via digital means – emails, socials, ads, etc – so they were highly visible to the target market. And guess what? The experience I gained from working for this company is highly transferable to helping other Australian businesses – such as yours – achieve the same visual success.
My hunger for revitalising brands by breathing new life into tried and tested campaigns is a bit like how your dog acts when they see you open the pantry five minutes after they’ve been fed. Together, we can gently – or not so gently, whatever method you prefer as long as it’s legal – shape the visual impact of your brand refresh so it reaches your customers quicker than the stock market free falls after one ill-advised tweet. Got customers all over the globe? Great, let’s have some fun with region-specific graphical elements, colours, and well-timed email campaigns.